Quick start

BIOM has an example table and two methods for reading in Table objects that are immediately available at the package level.



Load a Table from a path


Load an example table:

>>> from biom import example_table
>>> print(example_table) 
# Constructed from biom file
#OTU ID S1  S2  S3
O1  0.0 1.0 2.0
O2  3.0 4.0 5.0

Parse a table from an open file object:

>>> from biom import parse_table
>>> with open('path/to/table.biom') as f: 
...     table = parse_table(f)

Parse a table from a path. BIOM will attempt to determine if the file is either in TSV, HDF5, JSON, gzip’d JSON or gzip’d TSV and parse accordingly:

>>> from biom import load_table
>>> table = load_table('path/to/table.biom')